Getting Started =============== The easiest way of setting up a Slick application is by starting with the `Slick Examples`_ project. You can build and run this project by following the instructions in its README file. Overview ------------ First a quick overview. Accessing databases using slick's lifted embedding requires the following steps. #. Add the Slick jar and its dependencies to your project #. Pick a driver for a particular db and create a session (or simply pick threadLocalSession) .. includecode:: code/GettingStartedOverview.scala#quick-imports #. Describe your Database schema .. includecode:: code/GettingStartedOverview.scala#quick-schema #. Write queries using for-comprehensions or map/flatMap wrapped in a session scope .. includecode:: code/GettingStartedOverview.scala#quick-query The next paragraphs explain these steps and further aspects in more detail. Dependencies ------------ Let's take a closer look at what's happening in that project. First of all, you need to add Slick and the embedded databases or drivers for external databases to your project. If you are using sbt_, you do this in your main ``build.sbt`` file:: libraryDependencies ++= List( "com.typesafe" %% "slick" % "0.11.0", // use the right version here "org.slf4j" % "slf4j-nop" % "1.6.4", "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.3.166" ) Slick uses SLF4J_ for its own debug logging so you also need to add an SLF4J implementation. Here we are using ``slf4j-nop`` to disable logging. You have to replace this with a real logging framework like Logback_ if you want to see log output. Imports ------- :ex:`lifted/FirstExample` contains a self-contained application that you can run. It starts off with some imports: .. includecode:: code/FirstExample.scala#imports Since we are using H2_ as our database system, we need to import features from Slick's ``H2Driver``. A driver's ``simple`` object contains all commonly needed imports from the driver and other parts of Slick such as :doc:`session handling `. The only extra import we use is the ``threadLocalSession``. This simplifies the session handling by attaching a session to the current thread so you do not have to pass it around on your own (or at least assign it to an implicit variable). .. _gettingstarted-dbconnection: Database Connection ------------------- In the body of the application we create a ``Database`` object which specifies how to connect to a database, and then immediately open a session, running all code within the following block inside that session: .. includecode:: code/FirstExample.scala#setup In a Java SE environment, database sessions are usually created by connecting to a JDBC URL using a JDBC driver class (see the JDBC driver's documentation for the correct URL syntax). If you are only using :doc:`plain SQL queries `, nothing more is required, but when Slick is generating SQL code for you (using the :doc:`direct embedding ` or the :doc:`lifted embedding `), you need to make sure to use a matching Slick driver (in our case the ``H2Driver`` import above). Schema ------ We are using the :doc:`lifted embedding ` in this application, so we have to write ``Table`` objects for our database tables: .. includecode:: code/FirstExample.scala#tables All columns get a name (usually in camel case for Scala and upper case with underscores for SQL) and a Scala type (from which the SQL type can be derived automatically). Make sure to define them with ``def`` and not with ``val``. The table object also needs a Scala name, SQL name and type. The type argument of the table must match the type of the special ``*`` projection. In simple cases this is a tuple of all columns but more complex mappings are possible. The ``foreignKey`` definition in the ``Coffees`` table ensures that the ``supID`` field can only contain values for which a corresponding ``id`` exists in the ``Suppliers`` table, thus creating an *n to one* relationship: A ``Coffees`` row points to exactly one ``Suppliers`` row but any number of coffees can point to the same supplier. This constraint is enforced at the database level. Populating the Database ----------------------- The connection to the embedded H2 database engine provides us with an empty database. Before we can execute queries, we need to create the database schema (consisting of the ``Coffees`` and ``Suppliers`` tables) and insert some test data: .. includecode:: code/FirstExample.scala#create The tables' ``ddl`` methods create ``DDL`` (data definition language) objects with the database-specific code for creating and dropping tables and other database entities. Multiple ``DDL`` values can be combined with ``++`` to allow all entities to be created and dropped in the correct order, even when they have circular dependencies on each other. Inserting the tuples of data is done with the ``insert`` and ``insertAll`` methods. Note that by default a database ``Session`` is in *auto-commit* mode. Each call to the database like ``insert`` or ``insertAll`` executes atomically in its own transaction (i.e. it succeeds or fails completely but can never leave the database in an inconsistent state somewhere in between). In this mode we we have to populate the ``Suppliers`` table first because the ``Coffees`` data can only refer to valid supplier IDs. We could also use an explicit transaction bracket encompassing all these statements. Then the order would not matter because the constraints are only enforced at the end when the transaction is committed. Querying -------- The simplest kind of query iterates over all the data in a table: .. includecode:: code/FirstExample.scala#foreach This corresponds to a ``SELECT * FROM COFFEES`` in SQL (except that the ``*`` is the table's ``*`` projection we defined earlier and not whatever the database sees as ``*``). The type of the values we get in the loop is, unsurprisingly, the type parameter of ``Coffees``. Let's add a *projection* to this basic query. This is written in Scala with the ``map`` method or a *for comprehension*: .. includecode:: code/FirstExample.scala#projection The output will be the same: For each row of the table, all columns get converted to strings and concatenated into one tab-separated string. The difference is that all of this now happens inside the database engine, and only the resulting concatenated string is shipped to the client. Note that we avoid Scala's ``+`` operator (which is already heavily overloaded) in favor of ``++`` (commonly used for sequence concatenation). Also, there is no automatic conversion of other argument types to strings. This has to be done explicitly with the type conversion method ``asColumnOf``. Joining and filtering tables is done the same way as when working with Scala collections: .. includecode:: code/FirstExample.scala#join Note the use of ``===`` instead of ``==`` for comparing two values for equality. Similarly, the lifted embedding uses ``=!=`` instead of ``!=`` for inequality. (The other comparison operators are the same as in Scala: ``<``, ``<=``, ``>=``, ``>``.) The generator expression ``Suppliers if === c.supID`` follows the relationship established by the foreign key ``Coffees.supplier``. Instead of repeating the join condition here we can use the foreign key directly: .. includecode:: code/FirstExample.scala#fkjoin