

package jdbc

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AppliedInvoker[P, +R] extends UnitInvoker[R]

    Base trait for applied invokers

  2. trait GetResult[+T] extends (PositionedResult) ⇒ T

    Basic conversions for extracting values from PositionedResults.

  3. class GetTupleResult[+T <: Product] extends GetResult[T]

    GetResult for tuple types.

  4. trait Invoker[-P, +R] extends (P) ⇒ UnitInvoker[R]

    Base trait for all statement invokers, using parameter type P and result type R.

  5. trait JdbcBackend extends DatabaseComponent

    A JDBC-based database back-end.

  6. trait JdbcMappingCompilerComponent extends RelationalMappingCompilerComponent

    JDBC driver component which contains the mapping compiler and insert compiler

  7. trait JdbcType[T] extends TypedType[T]

    A JdbcType object represents a Scala type that can be used as a column type in the database.

  8. class MappedInvoker[-P, U, +R] extends Invoker[P, R]

    An Invoker which applies a mapping function to all results of another Invoker.

  9. abstract class MappedJdbcType[T, U] extends JdbcType[T]

  10. trait MutatingInvoker[-P, R] extends Invoker[P, R]

  11. trait MutatingStatementInvoker[-P, R] extends StatementInvoker[P, R] with MutatingInvoker[P, R]

  12. trait MutatingUnitInvoker[R] extends UnitInvoker[R]

  13. class PositionedParameters extends AnyRef

  14. sealed abstract class PositionedResult extends Closeable

    A database result positioned at a row and column.

  15. abstract class PositionedResultIterator[+T] extends PositionedResult with CloseableIterator[T]

    A PositionedResult which can be used as a CloseableIterator.

  16. sealed abstract class ResultSetConcurrency extends AnyRef

  17. sealed abstract class ResultSetHoldability extends AnyRef

  18. abstract class ResultSetInvoker[+R] extends UnitInvokerMixin[R]

    An invoker which calls a function to retrieve a ResultSet.

  19. trait ResultSetMutator[T] extends AnyRef

  20. sealed abstract class ResultSetType extends AnyRef

  21. final class SQLInterpolation extends AnyVal

  22. case class SQLInterpolationResult[P](strings: Seq[String], param: P, pconv: SetParameter[P]) extends Product with Serializable

  23. trait SetParameter[-T] extends (T, PositionedParameters) ⇒ Unit

    Basic conversions for setting parameters in PositionedParameters.

  24. class SetTupleParameter[-T <: Product] extends SetParameter[T]

    SetParameter for tuple types.

  25. abstract class StatementInvoker[-P, +R] extends Invoker[P, R]

    An invoker which executes an SQL statement.

  26. abstract class StaticQuery[-P, +R] extends StatementInvoker[P, R]

    Invoker for raw SQL queries.

  27. class StaticQuery0[R] extends StaticQuery[Unit, R] with UnitInvokerMixin[R]

  28. class StaticQuery1[P1, R] extends StaticQuery[P1, R]

  29. trait UnitInvoker[+R] extends Invoker[Unit, R]

    An invoker for a Unit parameter with additional parameterless methods.

  30. trait UnitInvokerMixin[+R] extends UnitInvoker[R]

  31. class UnmanagedSession extends jdbc.JdbcBackend.SessionDef

    A JDBC Session which is not managed by Slick.

Value Members

  1. object GetResult

  2. object JdbcBackend extends JdbcBackend

  3. object JdbcType

  4. object MappedJdbcType

  5. object ResultSetConcurrency

  6. object ResultSetHoldability

  7. object ResultSetInvoker

  8. object ResultSetType

  9. object SetParameter

  10. object StaticQuery

  11. object UnitInvoker

  12. package meta
