Base class with common functionality for KeysInsertInvoker and MappedKeysInsertInvoker.
The back-end type required by this profile
The back-end type required by this profile
Pseudo-invoker for running INSERT calls.
Builder for column specifications in DDL statements.
A node that wraps a ResultConverter
Pseudo-invoker for running INSERT calls and returning affected row counts.
Pseudo-invoker for running DDL statements.
Pseudo-invoker for running DELETE calls.
An InsertInvoker that can also insert from another query.
Builder for INSERT statements.
The type of insert invokers returned by the driver
The type of insert invokers returned by the driver
Code generator phase for JdbcProfile-based drivers.
A JdbcType object represents a Scala type that can be used as a column type in the database.
Pseudo-invoker for running INSERT calls and returning generated keys.
Pseudo-invoker for running INSERT calls and returning generated keys combined with the values.
Create a CompiledMapping for parameters and result sets.
QueryBuilder mix-in for Oracle-style ROWNUM (applied before ORDER BY and GROUP BY) instead of the standard SQL ROWNUMBER().
Builder for SELECT and UPDATE statements.
The type of query executors returned by the driver
The type of query executors returned by the driver
A parameterized query invoker.
QueryBuilder mix-in for pagination based on RowNumber.
The type of a schema description (DDL)
The type of a schema description (DDL)
A schema description contains the SQL statements for creating and dropping database entities.
Builder for DDL statements for sequences.
Builder for various DDL statements.
Invoker for executing queries.
The type of query executors returned by the driver
The type of query executors returned by the driver
Pseudo-invoker for running UPDATE calls.
Create a DDLInvoker -- this method should be implemented by drivers as needed
Create a DDLInvoker -- this method should be implemented by drivers as needed
Create an InsertInvoker -- this method should be implemented by drivers as needed
Create an InsertInvoker -- this method should be implemented by drivers as needed
Gets the Slick data model describing this data source
Gets the Slick data model describing this data source
Create an executor -- this method should be implemented by drivers as needed
Create an executor -- this method should be implemented by drivers as needed
Jdbc meta data for all tables
Jdbc meta data for all tables
quotes identifiers to avoid collisions with SQL keywords and other syntax issues
quotes identifiers to avoid collisions with SQL keywords and other syntax issues
A collection of values for using the query language with a single import statement.
A collection of values for using the query language with a single import statement. This provides the driver's implicits, the Database and Session objects for DB connections, and commonly used query language types and objects.
(hsqldbDriver: StringAdd).self
(hsqldbDriver: StringFormat).self
(hsqldbDriver: ArrowAssoc[HsqldbDriver]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use leftOfArrow
(hsqldbDriver: Ensuring[HsqldbDriver]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use resultOfEnsuring
Slick driver for HyperSQL (starting with version 2.0).
This driver implements the scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile without the following capabilities:
to get the current value of a sequence is not supported by Hsqldb. Trying to generate SQL code which uses this feature throws a SlickException.