Code for enabled definitions in this table class grouped into logical groups.
Code for enabled definitions in this table class grouped into logical groups.
Scala code
Scala code
All definitions in this table class including disabled ones grouped into logical groups.
All definitions in this table class including disabled ones grouped into logical groups.
Scala doc comment
Scala doc comment
Scala doc comment with code
Scala doc comment with code
The type of the elements this table yields.
The type of the elements this table yields.
Indicates whether this will be included in the generated code
Indicates whether this will be included in the generated code
Returns Some(this) if enabled else None
Returns Some(this) if enabled else None
Name (escaped if colliding with Scala keyword).
Name (escaped if colliding with Scala keyword).
The ? projection to produce an Option row.
The ? projection to produce an Option row. Useful for outer joins.
Indicates whether a ? projection should be generated.
Indicates whether a ? projection should be generated.
Function that constructs an Option of an entity object from the unmapped Option values
Function that constructs an Option of an entity object from the unmapped Option values
Inherited traits.
Inherited traits.
Name as desired in Scala Code.
Name as desired in Scala Code. (Allowed to collide with Scala keywords. Will be automatically escaped.)
The * projection that accumulates all columns and map them if mappingEnabled is true
The * projection that accumulates all columns and map them if mappingEnabled is true
(tableClassDef: StringAdd).self
(tableClassDef: StringFormat).self
(tableClassDef: ArrowAssoc[TableClassDef]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use leftOfArrow
(tableClassDef: Ensuring[TableClassDef]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use resultOfEnsuring
Table class generator definition