Column generator virtual class
Column generator virtual class
Column related generator definition
Common interface for any kind of definition within the generated code
Entity case class or type alias generator virtual class
Entity case class or type alias generator virtual class
Entity case class or type alias generator definition (Mapped case class holding a complete row of data of this table).
Foreign key generator virtual class
Foreign key generator virtual class
ForeignKey related generator definition
Index generator virtual class
Index generator virtual class
Index related generator definition
Plain SQL GetResult mapper generator virtual class
Plain SQL GetResult mapper generator virtual class
Plain SQL GetResult mapper generator definition
Primary key generator virtual class
Primary key generator virtual class
PrimaryKey related generator definition (Currently only used for composite primary keys.
Table class generator virtual class
Table class generator virtual class
Table class generator definition
Table value generator virtual class
Table value generator virtual class
Table value generator definition (generates a collection-like value representing this database table).
Common interface for definitions that define a term (val, def, .
Common interface for definitions that define a type (class, case class, .
Column generator factory.
Column generator factory. Override for customization.
Entity case class or type alias generator factory.
Entity case class or type alias generator factory. Override for customization.
ForeignKey generator factory.
ForeignKey generator factory. Override for customization.
Index generator factory.
Index generator factory. Override for customization.
Plain SQL GetResult mapper generator factory.
Plain SQL GetResult mapper generator factory. Override for customization.
PrimaryKey generator factory.
PrimaryKey generator factory. Override for customization.
Table class generator factory.
Table class generator factory. Override for customization.
Table value generator factory.
Table value generator factory. Override for customization.
Indicates whether auto increment columns should be put last and made an Option with a None default.
Indicates whether auto increment columns should be put last and made an Option with a None default. Please set to !hlistEnabled for switching this on.
Generates the complete code for this table and its subordinate generators.
Generates the complete code for this table and its subordinate generators.
Column code generators in the desired user-facing order.
Column code generators in the desired user-facing order.
Column code generators indexed by db column name
Column code generators indexed by db column name
Column code generators in the order they appear in the model.
Column code generators in the order they appear in the model.
Creates a compound type from a given sequence of types.
Creates a compound value from a given sequence of values.
Definitions to be generated for this table
Definitions to be generated for this table
Database column positions in the desired user-facing order.
Database column positions in the desired user-facing order. Currently just moves the positions of AutoInc columns to the end if autoIncLastAsOption is enabled.
Function that extracts the unmapped values from an entity object
Function that constructs an entity object from the unmapped values
Foreign key code generators
Foreign key code generators
If HList should be used as a compound type instead of tuples.
If HList should be used as a compound type instead of tuples. Default to true for > 22 columns.
Index code generators
Index code generators
Indicates if this table should be mapped using factory and extractor or not, in which case tuples are used.
Indicates if this table should be mapped using factory and extractor or not, in which case tuples are used. (Consider overriding EntityType.enabled instead, which affects this, too.) Disabled by default when using hlists.
Primary key code generator, if this table has one
Primary key code generator, if this table has one
(tableDef: StringAdd).self
(tableDef: StringFormat).self
(tableDef: ArrowAssoc[TableDef]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use leftOfArrow
(tableDef: Ensuring[TableDef]).x
(Since version 2.10.0) Use resultOfEnsuring
Code generator for table related code