Coming from ORM to Slick¶
Slick is not an object-relational mapper (ORM) like Hibernate or other JPA-based products. Slick is a data persistence solution like ORMs and naturally shares some concepts, but it also has significant differences. This chapter explains the differences in order to help you get the best out of Slick and avoid confusion for those familiar with ORMs. We explain how Slick manages to avoid many of the problems often referred to as the object-relational impedance mismatch.
A good term to describe Slick is functional-relational mapper. Slick allows working with relational data much like with immutable collections and focuses on flexible query composition and strongly controlled side-effects. ORMs usually expose mutable object-graphs, use side-effects like read- and write-caches and hard-code support for anticipated use-cases like inheritance or relationships via association tables. Slick focuses on getting the best out of accessing a relational data store. ORMs focus on persisting an object-graph.
ORMs are a natural approach when using databases from object-oriented languages. They try to allow working with persisted object-graphs partly as if they were completely in memory. Objects can be modified, associations can be changed and the object graph can be traversed. In practice this is not exactly easy to achieve due to the so called object-relational impedance mismatch. It makes ORMs hard to implement and often complicated to use for more than simple cases and if performance matters. Slick in contrast does not expose an object-graph. It is inspired by SQL and the relational model and mostly just maps their concepts to the most closely corresponding, type-safe Scala features. Database queries are expressed using a restricted, immutable, purely-functional subset of Scala much like collections. Slick also offer first-class SQL support as an alternative.
In practice, ORMs often suffer from conceptual problems of what they try to achieve, from mere problems of the implementations and from mis-use, because of their complexity. In the following we look at many features of ORMs and what you would use with Slick instead. We’ll first look at how to work with the object graph. We then look at a series of particular features and use cases and how to handle them with Slick.
Some ORMs use extensive configuration files. Slick is configured using small amounts of Scala code. You have to provide information about how to connect to the database and write or auto-generate a database-schema description if you want Slick to type-check your queries. Everything else like relationship definitions beyond foreign keys are ordinary Scala code, which can use familiar abstraction methods for re-use.
Mapping configuration.¶
The later examples use the following database schema

mapped to Slick using the following code:
type Person = (Int,String,Int,Int)
class People(tag: Tag) extends Table[Person](tag, "PERSON") {
def id = column[Int]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def name = column[String]("NAME")
def age = column[Int]("AGE")
def addressId = column[Int]("ADDRESS_ID")
def * = (id,name,age,addressId)
def address = foreignKey("ADDRESS",addressId,addresses)(
lazy val people = TableQuery[People]
type Address = (Int,String,String)
class Addresses(tag: Tag) extends Table[Address](tag, "ADDRESS") {
def id = column[Int]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def street = column[String]("STREET")
def city = column[String]("CITY")
def * = (id,street,city)
lazy val addresses = TableQuery[Addresses]
Tables can alternatively be mapped to case classes. Similar code can be auto-generated or hand-written.
In ORMs you often provide your mapping specification in a configuration file. In Slick you provide it as Scala types like above, which are used to type-check Slick queries. A difference is that the Slick mapping is conceptually very simple. It only describes database tables and optionally maps rows to case classes or something else using arbitrary factories and extractors. It does contain information about foreign keys, but nothing else about relationships or other patterns. These are mapped using re-usable queries fragments instead.
Query granularity¶
With ORMs it is not uncommon to treat objects or complete rows as the smallest granularity when loading data. This is not necessarily a limitation of the frameworks, but a habit of using them. With Slick it is very much encouraged to only fetch the data you actually need. While you can map rows to classes with Slick, it is often more efficient to not use that feature, but to restrict your query to the data you actually need in that moment. If you only need a person’s name and age, just map to those and return them as a tuple. => (, p.age))
This allows you to be very precise about what data is actually transferred.
Read caching¶
Slick doesn’t cache query results. Working with Slick is like working with JDBC in this regard. Many ORMs come with read and write caches. Caches are side-effects. They can be hard to reason about. It can be tricky to manage cache consistency and lifetime.
This call may be served from the database or from a cache. It is not clear at the call site what the performance is. With Slick it is very clear that executing a query leads to a database round trip and that Slick doesn’t interfere with member accesses on objects. === 5).result)
Slick returns a consistent, immutable snapshot of a fraction of the database at that point in time. If you need consistency over multiple queries, use transactions.
Writes (and caching)¶
Writes in many ORMs require write caching to be performant.
val person = PeopleFinder.getById(5) = "C. Vogt"
person.age = 12345
Here our hypothetical ORM records changes to the object and the .save method syncs back changes into the database in a single round trip rather than one per member. In Slick you would do the following instead:
val personQuery = people.filter( === 5) => (,p.age)).update("C. Vogt", 12345)
Slick embraces declarative transformations. Rather than modifying individual members of objects one after the other, you state all modifications at once and Slick creates a single database round trip from it without using a cache. New Slick users seem to be often confused by this syntax, but it is actually very neat. Slick unifies the syntax for queries, inserts, updates and deletes. Here personQuery is just a query. We could use it to fetch data. But instead, we can also use it to update the columns specified by the query. Or we can use it do delete the rows.
personQuery.delete // deletes person with id 5
For inserts, we insert into the query, that resembles the whole table and can select individual columns in the same way. => (,p.age)) += ("S. Zeiger", 54321)
ORMs usually provide built-in, hard-coded support for 1-to-many and many-to-many relationships. They can be set up centrally in the configuration. In SQL on the other hand you would specify them using joins in every single query. You have a lot of flexibility what you join and how. With Slick you get the best of both worlds. Slick queries are as flexible as SQL, but also compositional. You can store fragements like join conditions in central places and use language-level abstraction. Relationships of any sort are just one thing you can naturally abstract over like in any Scala code. There is no need for Slick to hard-code support for certain use cases. You can easily implement arbitrary use cases yourself, e.g. the common 1-n or n-n relationships or even relationships spanning over multiple tables, relationships with additional discriminators, polymorphic relationships, etc.
Here is an example for person and addresses.
implicit class PersonExtensions[C[_]](q: Query[People, Person, C]) {
// specify mapping of relationship to address
def withAddress = q.join(addresses).on(_.addressId ===
val chrisQuery = people.filter( === 2)
val stefanQuery = people.filter( === 3)
val chrisWithAddress: Future[(Person, Address)] =
val stefanWithAddress: Future[(Person, Address)] =
A common question for new Slick users is how they can follow a relationships on a result. In an ORM you could do something like this:
val chris: Person = PeopleFinder.getById(2)
val address: Address = chris.address
As explained earlier, Slick does not allow navigating the object-graph as if data was in memory, because of the problem that comes with it. Instead of navigating relationships on results you write new queries instead.
val chrisQuery: Query[People,Person,Seq] = people.filter( === 2)
val addressQuery: Query[Addresses,Address,Seq] =
val address =
If you leave out the optional type annotation and some intermediate vals it is very clean. And it is very clear where database round trips happen.
A variant of this question Slick new comers often ask is how they can do something like this in Slick:
case class Address( … )
case class Person( …, address: Address )
The problem is that this hard-codes that a Person requires an Address. It can not be loaded without it. This does’t fit to Slick’s philosophy of giving you fine-grained control over what you load exactly. With Slick it is advised to map one table to a tuple or case class without them having object references to related objects. Instead you can write a function that joins two tables and returns them as a tuple or association case class instance, providing an association externally, not strongly tied one of the classes.
val tupledJoin: Query[(People,Addresses),(Person,Address), Seq]
= people join addresses on (_.addressId ===
case class PersonWithAddress(person: Person, address: Address)
val caseClassJoinResults =
An alternative approach is giving your classes Option-typed members referring to related objects, where None means that the related objects have not been loaded yet. However this is less type-safe then using a tuple or case class, because it cannot be statically checked, if the related object is loaded.
Modifying relationships¶
When manipulating relationships with ORMs you usually work on mutable collections of associated objects and inserts or remove related objects. Changes are written to the database immediately or recorded in a write cache and commited later. To avoid stateful caches and mutability, Slick handles relationship manipulations just like SQL - using foreign keys. Changing relationships means updating foreign key fields to new ids, just like updating any other field. As a bonus this allows establishing and removing associations with objects that have not been loaded into memory. Having their ids is sufficient.
Slick does not persist arbitrary object-graphs. It rather exposes the relational data model nicely integrated into Scala. As the relational schema doesn’t contain inheritance so doesn’t Slick. This can be unfamiliar at first. Usually inheritance can be simply replaced by relationalships thinking along the lines of roles. Instead of foo is a bar think foo has role bar. As Slick allows query composition and abstraction, inheritance-like query-snippets can be easily implemented and put into functions for re-use. Slick doesn’t provide any out of the box but allows you to flexibly come up with the ones that match your problem and use them in your queries.
Many of the concepts described above can be abstracted over using Scala code to avoid repetition. There cases however, where you reach the limits of Scala’s type system’s abstraction capabilities. Code generation offers a solution to this. Slick comes with a very flexible and fully customizable code generator, which can be used to avoid repetition in these cases. The code generator operates on the meta data of the database. Combine it with your own extra meta data if needed and use it to generate Slick types, relationship accessors, association classes, etc. For more info see our Scala Days 2014 talk at .