Slick code generator string extension methods.
Slick code generator string extension methods. (Warning: Not unicode-safe, uses String#apply)
Table generator virtual class
Table generator virtual class
Table generator factory.
Table generator factory. Override for customization.
Generates code for the complete model (not wrapped in a package yet)
Generates code for the container class (not wrapped in a package yet)
Generates code for the DDL statement.
Generates a map that associates the table name with its generated code (not wrapped in a package yet).
Enables DDL Generation.
Enables DDL Generation.
Assemble doc comment with scala code
Assemble doc comment with scala code
Maps database table name to entity case class name
Maps database table name to entity case class name
Wrap the given type into an Option type
Wrap the given type into an Option type
Generates code for a qualified Scala type
Generates code for a qualified Scala type
Words that are reserved keywords in Scala
Words that are reserved keywords in Scala
Existing term member names in Table[_] that do not take parameters
Existing term member names in Table[_] that do not take parameters
Maps database table name to Table class and value name
Maps database table name to Table class and value name
Table code generators.
Table code generators.
Table code generators indexed by db table name.
Table code generators indexed by db table name.
Marks a String as a TermName (e.g.
Marks a String as a TermName (e.g. for escaping scala keywords)
Marks a String as a TypeName (e.g.
Marks a String as a TypeName (e.g. for escaping scala keywords)
Base implementation for a Source code String generator