Slick Documentation
Other versions can be accessed from the version selector in the docs.
Compared to Alternatives
See the table.
Sample Code
Look at the branches / tags for specific versions.
Third Party
The following contains a list of Slick related third-party blog articles and documentation we know of:
We cannot guarantee for the quality of the above, or that they represent our view of things. Please add more entries using a github pull request, if they can teach people something about Slick.
The official Play plugin for Slick:
Third-party Extensions
This is a list of third-party Slick extension projects we know of. We cannot guarantee for the quality or that they represent our view of things. Please add more projects to the list using a github pull request, if you think others can benefit from them.
Slick Joda Date mapper - Enables you to use joda-time with Slick. You can persist DateTime, Instant, LocalDateTime, LocalDate, LocalTime, DateTimeZone with Slick.
Slick Postgres extensions - Slick extensions for PostgreSQL, to support a series of pg data types and related operators/functions.
Generic DAO for Slick projects - Slick extensions for record lifecycle management.
- Screencast 1: Introduction to the query compiler (Stefan Zeiger, 2013-01-16)
Date | Title | Venue | Links |
2017-12-14 |
Compiling Collections to SQL with Slickby Stefan Zeiger |
Scala eXchange 2017, London |
2016-05-10 |
Polymorphic Record Types in a Lifted Embeddingby Stefan Zeiger |
Scaladays, New York |
2015-03-18 |
Reactive Slick for Database Programmingby Stefan Zeiger |
ScalaDays, San Francisco, CA |
2014-10-23 |
Type-Level Computations in Scalaby Stefan Zeiger |, Paris, France |
2014-09-24 |
Introduction to Slick 2.1 and 2.2 |
ScalaCamp #7, Kraków, Poland |
2014-09-05 |
Slick for database access in Scalaby Michael Pollmeier (third-party) |
Auckland, New Zealand |
2014-06-26 |
Supporting your data model with Slickby Jan Christopher Vogt |
Scala Developers Barcelona, Spain |
2014-06-18 |
Leveraging your data model with Slick 2 - code generation and other featuresby Jan Christopher Vogt |
Scala Days 2014, Berlin, Germany |
2014-06-18 |
Slick in the field, learning to forget ORMby Renato Cavalcanti (third-party) |
Scala Days 2014, Berlin, Germany |
2014-06-09 |
Functional Relational Mapping with Slick |
33rd Degree, Krakow, Poland |
2014-06-04 |
Slick - The Structured Wayby Yennick Trevels (third-party) |
BeScala, Kontich, Belgium |
2014-05-13 |
Datenbankzugriff mit Slick (in German)by Stefan Zeiger |
JAX, Mainz, Germany |
2014-04-05 |
Database Access with Slickby Stefan Zeiger |
Scalar, Warsaw, Poland |
2014-03-04 |
Slick Query Compilerby Stefan Zeiger |
2014-02-05 |
Slick 2.0 Webinarby Stefan Zeiger |
2014-02-03 |
Database Access with Slickby Stefan Zeiger |
Amsterdam.scala, Netherlands |
2013-12-04 |
So Slick! An Jan Christopher Vogt |
Scala User Group Berlin Brandenburg, Berlin, Germany |
2013-12-03 |
Patterns for Slick database applicationsby Jan Christopher Vogt |
Scala eXchange 2013, London, UK |
2014-10-29 |
Scaling Scala to the Databaseby Stefan Zeiger |
2013-09-25 |
Scaling Scala to the Databaseby Stefan Zeiger and Jan Christopher Vogt |
JavaOne 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA |
2013-09-17 |
Slick SQL interaction in Scalaby Jan Christopher Vogt |
ny-scala, New York City, NY, USA |
2013-07-17 |
Database Access with Slickby Stefan Zeiger |
Scalapeño 2013, Tel-Aviv, Israel |
2013-06-12 |
Slick vs ORMby Jan Christopher Vogt and Stefan Zeiger |
ScalaDays 2013, London, UK |
2012-11-20 |
Slick database access with Scalaby Stefan Zeiger |
Scala Exchange 2012, London, UK |
2012-10-17 |
Slick presentationby Jan Christopher Vogt |
Bay Area Scala Enthusiasts, San Jose, CA, USA |
Scala Language Integrated Connection Kit - Milestone 1by Jan Christopher Vogt and Stefan Zeiger |
Scala Days 2012, London, UK |
ScalaQuery: Relationell auch ohne SQLby Stefan Zeiger |
Herbstcampus 2011, Nürnberg, Germany |
- Documentation
- Slick Documentation
- Compared to Alternatives
- Sample Code
- Third Party
- Books
- Extensions
- Third-party Extensions
- Screencasts
- Talks
- Compiling Collections to SQL with Slick
- Polymorphic Record Types in a Lifted Embedding
- Reactive Slick for Database Programming
- Type-Level Computations in Scala
- Introduction to Slick 2.1 and 2.2
- Slick for database access in Scala
- Supporting your data model with Slick
- Leveraging your data model with Slick 2 - code generation and other features
- Slick in the field, learning to forget ORM
- Functional Relational Mapping with Slick
- Slick - The Structured Way
- Datenbankzugriff mit Slick (in German)
- Database Access with Slick
- Slick Query Compiler
- Slick 2.0 Webinar
- Database Access with Slick
- So Slick! An introduction.
- Patterns for Slick database applications
- Scaling Scala to the Database
- Scaling Scala to the Database
- Slick SQL interaction in Scala
- Database Access with Slick
- Slick vs ORM
- Slick database access with Scala
- Slick presentation
- Scala Language Integrated Connection Kit - Milestone 1
- ScalaQuery: Relationell auch ohne SQL