3rd-Party Documentation for Slick 2

This is a list of Slick 2 related third-party blog articles and documentation we know of. We cannot guarantee for the quality or that they represent our view of things. Please add more entries using a github pull request, if they can teach people something about Slick.

Many useful discussions can also be found at Slick Discussions and on Stack Overflow.

Typesafe / EPFL gists

Third-party translations



Tips and tricks

Plugins and extensions

  • Slick Code Generation Plugin - This plugin allows you to easily generate slick Table schemas. Take a look at the test-project for example configurations.

  • Slick Macros - reducing boilerplate code needed in Slick.

Example projects

  • GitBucket - GitBucket is a GitHub clone powered by Scala which has easy installation and high extensibility.

  • Slick Testing - It’s not immediately obvious how to write a Slick implementation without being tied to a specific driver. This is my attempt. Credit to Dirceu Semighini Filho who posted some sample code in a thread on the Slick Mailing List.

  • SlickDroid - SlickDroid is an implementation of Android backend for Slick, it allows you to use Slick in Android project written in Scala.

  • Slick Android Example.

  • SlickChair - SlickChair is an open-source conference management system written in Scala. Built with the Play framework and the Slick database access library, SlickChair provides a highly flexible and extensible solution to manage a peer review process.

  • Slick for Multiple Databases.

  • Play Slick Examples from Lunatech - A Play Framework application that demonstrates how to use Slick for database access.

  • Slick 2 Code Generator and Play - This sample project shows how to integrate the Slick 2.0 code generator with the Play Framework Evolutions (database migrations).
