



class CountingInsertActionComposerImpl[U] extends H2Profile.CountingInsertActionComposerImpl[U]

Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. CountingInsertActionComposerImpl
  2. CountingInsertActionComposerImpl
  3. CountingInsertActionComposer
  4. InsertActionComposerImpl
  5. InsertActionComposer
  6. SimpleInsertActionComposer
  7. InsertActionExtensionMethodsImpl
  8. AnyRef
  9. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new CountingInsertActionComposerImpl(compiled: H2Profile.CompiledInsert)

Type Members

  1. type MultiInsertResult = Option[Int]

    The result type when inserting a collection of values.

    The result type when inserting a collection of values.

    Definition Classes
  2. type QueryInsertResult = Int

    The result type of operations that insert data produced by another query

    The result type of operations that insert data produced by another query

    Definition Classes
  3. type SingleInsertOrUpdateResult = Int

    The return type for insertOrUpdate operations.

    The return type for insertOrUpdate operations. Note that the Option return value will be None if it was an update and Some if it was an insert

    Definition Classes
  4. type SingleInsertResult = Int

    The result type when inserting a single value.

    The result type when inserting a single value.

    Definition Classes
  5. class InsertOrUpdateAction extends JdbcProfile.SimpleJdbcProfileAction[SingleInsertOrUpdateResult]
    Definition Classes
  6. class InsertQueryAction extends JdbcProfile.SimpleJdbcProfileAction[QueryInsertResult]
    Definition Classes
  7. class MultiInsertAction extends JdbcProfile.SimpleJdbcProfileAction[MultiInsertResult]
    Definition Classes
  8. class SingleInsertAction extends JdbcProfile.SimpleJdbcProfileAction[SingleInsertResult]
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. def ++=(values: Iterable[U]): H2Profile.ProfileAction[MultiInsertResult, NoStream, Write]

    Insert multiple rows, skipping AutoInc columns.

    Insert multiple rows, skipping AutoInc columns. Uses JDBC's batch update feature if supported by the JDBC driver. Returns Some(rowsAffected), or None if the database returned no row count for some part of the batch. If any part of the batch fails, an exception is thrown.

    Definition Classes
  2. def +=(value: U): H2Profile.ProfileAction[SingleInsertResult, NoStream, Write]

    Insert a single row, skipping AutoInc columns.

    Insert a single row, skipping AutoInc columns.

    Definition Classes
  3. val compiled: H2Profile.CompiledInsert
    Definition Classes
  4. def forceInsert(value: U): H2Profile.ProfileAction[SingleInsertResult, NoStream, Write]

    Insert a single row, including AutoInc columns.

    Insert a single row, including AutoInc columns. This is not supported by all database engines (see slick.jdbc.JdbcCapabilities.forceInsert).

    Definition Classes
  5. def forceInsertAll(values: Iterable[U]): H2Profile.ProfileAction[MultiInsertResult, NoStream, Write]

    Insert multiple rows, including AutoInc columns.

    Insert multiple rows, including AutoInc columns. This is not supported by all database engines (see slick.jdbc.JdbcCapabilities.forceInsert). Uses JDBC's batch update feature if supported by the JDBC driver. Returns Some(rowsAffected), or None if the database returned no row count for some part of the batch. If any part of the batch fails, an exception is thrown.

    Definition Classes
  6. def forceInsertExpr[TT](c: TT)(implicit shape: Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, TT, U, _]): H2Profile.ProfileAction[QueryInsertResult, NoStream, Write]

    Insert a single row from a scalar expression

    Insert a single row from a scalar expression

    Definition Classes
  7. def forceInsertQuery[TT, C[_]](compiledQuery: CompiledStreamingExecutable[Query[TT, U, C], _, _]): H2Profile.ProfileAction[QueryInsertResult, NoStream, Write]

    Insert data produced by another query

    Insert data produced by another query

    Definition Classes
  8. def forceInsertQuery[TT, C[_]](query: Query[TT, U, C]): H2Profile.ProfileAction[QueryInsertResult, NoStream, Write]

    Insert data produced by another query

    Insert data produced by another query

    Definition Classes
  9. def forceInsertStatement: String

    Get the SQL statement for a forced insert

    Get the SQL statement for a forced insert

    Definition Classes
  10. def forceInsertStatementFor[TT, C[_]](compiledQuery: CompiledStreamingExecutable[Query[TT, U, C], _, _]): String

    Get the SQL statement for inserting data produced by another query

    Get the SQL statement for inserting data produced by another query

    Definition Classes
  11. def forceInsertStatementFor[TT, C[_]](query: Query[TT, U, C]): String

    Get the SQL statement for inserting data produced by another query

    Get the SQL statement for inserting data produced by another query

    Definition Classes
  12. def forceInsertStatementFor[TT](c: TT)(implicit shape: Shape[_ <: FlatShapeLevel, TT, U, _]): String

    Get the SQL statement for inserting a single row from a scalar expression

    Get the SQL statement for inserting a single row from a scalar expression

    Definition Classes
  13. def insertOrUpdate(value: U): H2Profile.ProfileAction[SingleInsertOrUpdateResult, NoStream, Write]

    Insert a single row if its primary key does not exist in the table, otherwise update the existing record.

    Insert a single row if its primary key does not exist in the table, otherwise update the existing record. Note that the return value will be None if an update was performed and Some if the operation was insert

    Definition Classes
  14. def insertStatement: String

    Get the SQL statement for a standard (soft) insert

    Get the SQL statement for a standard (soft) insert

    Definition Classes
  15. def returning[RT, RU, C[_]](value: Query[RT, RU, C]): H2Profile.ReturningInsertActionComposer[U, RU]

    Add a mapping from the inserted values and the generated key to compute a new return value.

    Add a mapping from the inserted values and the generated key to compute a new return value.

    Definition Classes