



trait SqlAction[+R, +S <: NoStream, -E <: Effect] extends BasicAction[R, S, E]

Linear Supertypes
BasicAction[R, S, E], DatabaseAction[R, S, E], DBIOAction[R, S, E], Dumpable, AnyRef, Any
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. SqlAction
  2. BasicAction
  3. DatabaseAction
  4. DBIOAction
  5. Dumpable
  6. AnyRef
  7. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract type ResultAction[+R, +S <: NoStream, -E <: Effect] <: SqlAction[R, S, E]
    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def overrideStatements(statements: Iterable[String]): ResultAction[R, S, E]

    Create an Action that uses the specified SQL statement(s) but otherwise behaves the same as this Action.

  2. abstract def statements: Iterable[String]

    Return the SQL statements that will be executed for this Action

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def >>[R2, S2 <: NoStream, E2 <: Effect](a: DBIOAction[R2, S2, E2]): DBIOAction[R2, S2, E with E2]

    A shortcut for andThen.

    A shortcut for andThen.

    Definition Classes
  2. def andFinally[E2 <: Effect](a: DBIOAction[_, NoStream, E2]): DBIOAction[R, S, E with E2]

    Run another action after this action, whether it succeeds or fails, and then return the result of the first action.

    Run another action after this action, whether it succeeds or fails, and then return the result of the first action. If the first action fails, its failure is propagated, whether the second action fails or succeeds. If the first action succeeds, a failure of the second action is propagated.

    Definition Classes
  3. def andThen[R2, S2 <: NoStream, E2 <: Effect](a: DBIOAction[R2, S2, E2]): DBIOAction[R2, S2, E with E2]

    Run another action after this action, if it completed successfully, and return the result of the second action.

    Run another action after this action, if it completed successfully, and return the result of the second action. If either of the two actions fails, the resulting action also fails.

    Definition Classes
  4. def asTry: DBIOAction[Try[R], NoStream, E]

    Convert a successful result v of this action into a successful result Success(v) and a failure t into a successful result Failure(t).

    Convert a successful result v of this action into a successful result Success(v) and a failure t into a successful result Failure(t). This is the most generic combinator that can be used for error recovery. If possible, use andFinally or cleanUp instead, because those combinators, unlike asTry, support streaming.

    Definition Classes
  5. def cleanUp[E2 <: Effect](f: (Option[Throwable]) => DBIOAction[_, NoStream, E2], keepFailure: Boolean = true)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): DBIOAction[R, S, E with E2]

    Run another action after this action, whether it succeeds or fails, in order to clean up or transform an error produced by this action.

    Run another action after this action, whether it succeeds or fails, in order to clean up or transform an error produced by this action. The clean-up action is computed from the failure of this action, wrapped in Some, or None if this action succeeded.


    If this action returns successfully, the resulting action also returns successfully unless the clean-up action fails. If this action fails and keepFailure is set to true (the default), the resulting action fails with the same error, no matter whether the clean-up action succeeds or fails. If keepFailure is set to false, an error from the clean-up action will override the error from this action.

    Definition Classes
  6. def collect[R2](pf: PartialFunction[R, R2])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): DBIOAction[R2, NoStream, E]

    Transform the result of a successful execution of this action, if the given partial function is defined at that value, otherwise, the result DBIOAction will fail with a NoSuchElementException.

    Transform the result of a successful execution of this action, if the given partial function is defined at that value, otherwise, the result DBIOAction will fail with a NoSuchElementException.

    If this action fails, the resulting action also fails.

    Definition Classes
  7. def failed: DBIOAction[Throwable, NoStream, E]

    Return an action which contains the Throwable with which this action failed as its result.

    Return an action which contains the Throwable with which this action failed as its result. If this action succeeded, the resulting action fails with a NoSuchElementException.

    Definition Classes
  8. final def filter(p: (R) => Boolean)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): DBIOAction[R, NoStream, E]

    Filter the result of this action with the given predicate.

    Filter the result of this action with the given predicate. If the predicate matches, the original result is returned, otherwise the resulting action fails with a NoSuchElementException.

    Definition Classes
  9. def flatMap[R2, S2 <: NoStream, E2 <: Effect](f: (R) => DBIOAction[R2, S2, E2])(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): DBIOAction[R2, S2, E with E2]

    Use the result produced by the successful execution of this action to compute and then run the next action in sequence.

    Use the result produced by the successful execution of this action to compute and then run the next action in sequence. The resulting action fails if either this action, the computation, or the computed action fails.

    Definition Classes
  10. def flatten[R2, S2 <: NoStream, E2 <: Effect](implicit ev: <:<[R, DBIOAction[R2, S2, E2]]): DBIOAction[R2, S2, E with E2]

    Creates a new DBIOAction with one level of nesting flattened, this method is equivalent to flatMap(identity).

    Creates a new DBIOAction with one level of nesting flattened, this method is equivalent to flatMap(identity).

    Definition Classes
  11. def getDumpInfo: DumpInfo

    Return the name, main info, attribute info and named children

    Return the name, main info, attribute info and named children

    Definition Classes
  12. def isLogged: Boolean

    Whether or not this action should be included in log output by default.

    Whether or not this action should be included in log output by default.

    Definition Classes
  13. def map[R2](f: (R) => R2)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): DBIOAction[R2, NoStream, E]

    Transform the result of a successful execution of this action.

    Transform the result of a successful execution of this action. If this action fails, the resulting action also fails.

    Definition Classes
  14. def named(name: String): DBIOAction[R, S, E]

    Get a wrapping action which has a name that will be included in log output.

    Get a wrapping action which has a name that will be included in log output.

    Definition Classes
  15. def nonFusedEquivalentAction: DBIOAction[R, S, E]

    Get the equivalent non-fused action if this action has been fused, otherwise this action is returned.

    Get the equivalent non-fused action if this action has been fused, otherwise this action is returned.

    Definition Classes
  16. def withFilter(p: (R) => Boolean)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): DBIOAction[R, NoStream, E]
    Definition Classes
  17. def withPinnedSession: DBIOAction[R, S, E]

    Use a pinned database session when running this action.

    Use a pinned database session when running this action. If it is composed of multiple database actions, they will all use the same session, even when sequenced with non-database actions. For non-composite or non-database actions, this has no effect.

    Definition Classes
  18. def zip[R2, E2 <: Effect](a: DBIOAction[R2, NoStream, E2]): DBIOAction[(R, R2), NoStream, E with E2]

    Run another action after this action, if it completed successfully, and return the result of both actions.

    Run another action after this action, if it completed successfully, and return the result of both actions. If either of the two actions fails, the resulting action also fails.

    Definition Classes
  19. def zipWith[R2, E2 <: Effect, R3](a: DBIOAction[R2, NoStream, E2])(f: (R, R2) => R3)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): DBIOAction[R3, NoStream, E with E2]

    Run another action after this action, if it completed successfully, and zip the result of both actions with a function f, then create a new DBIOAction holding this result, If either of the two actions fails, the resulting action also fails.

    Run another action after this action, if it completed successfully, and zip the result of both actions with a function f, then create a new DBIOAction holding this result, If either of the two actions fails, the resulting action also fails.

    Definition Classes