package util

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class AsyncTest[TDB >: Null <: TestDB] extends GenericTest[TDB]
  2. abstract class DBTest extends AnyRef
  3. abstract class DBTestObject extends AnyRef
  4. class DelegateConnection extends Connection

    A delegating wrapper for java.sql.Connection.

  5. class DelegateResultSet extends ResultSet

    An implementation of ResultSet which delegates all calls to another ResultSet.

    An implementation of ResultSet which delegates all calls to another ResultSet. Individual methods can be overridden in subclasses to implement custom behavior. Methods from JDK 7 are declared but they throw a NotImplementedException instead of delegating the call, so that this class can be compiled on both, JDK 6 and JDK 7.

  6. abstract class DerbyDB extends InternalJdbcTestDB
  7. abstract class ExternalJdbcTestDB extends JdbcTestDB
  8. sealed abstract class GenericTest[TDB >: Null <: TestDB] extends AnyRef
  9. class GitHubActionsRunListener extends RunListener
  10. abstract class H2TestDB extends InternalJdbcTestDB
  11. abstract class HsqlDB extends InternalJdbcTestDB
  12. abstract class InternalJdbcTestDB extends JdbcTestDB
  13. abstract class JdbcTestDB extends SqlTestDB
  14. abstract class ProfileTest extends AnyRef
  15. trait RelationalTestDB extends TestDB
  16. class SQLiteTestDB extends InternalJdbcTestDB
  17. abstract class SimpleParentRunner[T] extends Runner with Filterable with Sortable

    A JUnit Runner similar to JUnit's own ParentRunner but simpler, more extensible (in the way we need it), and more Scala-like.

  18. trait SqlTestDB extends RelationalTestDB
  19. trait TestCodeGenerator extends AnyRef
  20. class TestCodeRunner extends AnyRef
  21. trait TestDB extends AnyRef

    Describes a database against which you can run TestKit tests.

    Describes a database against which you can run TestKit tests. It includes features such as reading the configuration file, setting up a DB connection, removing DB files left over by a test run, etc.

  22. case class TestMethod(name: String, desc: Description, method: Method, cl: Class[_ <: GenericTest[_ >: Null <: TestDB]]) extends Product with Serializable
  23. class Testkit extends SimpleParentRunner[TestMethod]

    JUnit runner for the Slick driver test kit.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. abstract class TestkitTest[TDB >: Null <: TestDB] extends GenericTest[TDB]

    (Since version 3.1) Use AsyncTest instead of TestkitTest

Value Members

  1. object BuildCapabilitiesTable extends App

    Build a table of supported capability flags for the user manual.

  2. object DerbyDB
  3. object ShouldNotTypecheck

    A macro that ensures that a code snippet does not typecheck.

  4. object StandardTestDBs
  5. object TestCodeRunner
  6. object TestDB
  7. object TestkitConfig

    Manages the configuration for TestKit tests.

    Manages the configuration for TestKit tests.

    The standard config file test-dbs/testkit.conf can be changed through the system property slick.testkit-config. The defaults are loaded from /testkit-reference.conf on the classpath.
