class SourceCodeGenerator extends AbstractSourceCodeGenerator with OutputHelpers
A customizable code generator for working with Slick.
For usage information please see the corresponding part of the Slick documentation.
The implementation is structured into a small hierarchy of sub-generators responsible for different fragments of the complete output. The implementation of each sub-generator can be swapped out for a customized one by overriding the corresponding factory method. SourceCodeGenerator contains a factory method Table, which it uses to generate a sub-generator for each table. The sub-generator Table in turn contains sub-generators for Table classes, entity case classes, columns, key, indices, etc. Custom sub-generators can easily be added as well.
Within the sub-generators the relevant part of the Slick data model
be accessed to drive the code generation.
Of coures it makes sense to integrate this into your build process.
- Grouped
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- SourceCodeGenerator
- OutputHelpers
- AbstractSourceCodeGenerator
- StringGeneratorHelpers
- AbstractGenerator
- GeneratorHelpers
- AnyRef
- Any
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Basic customization overrides
- abstract case class AbstractTableDef(model: model.Table) extends Product with Serializable
Code generator for table related code
Code generator for table related code
- model
corresponding Slick meta model component
- Definition Classes
- AbstractGenerator
- def Table: (model.Table) => Table
Table generator factory.
Table generator factory. Override for customization.
- Definition Classes
- SourceCodeGenerator → AbstractGenerator
- def code: String
Generates code for the complete model (not wrapped in a package yet)
Generates code for the complete model (not wrapped in a package yet)
- Definition Classes
- AbstractSourceCodeGenerator
- def codeForContainer: String
Generates code for the container class (not wrapped in a package yet)
Generates code for the container class (not wrapped in a package yet)
- Definition Classes
- AbstractSourceCodeGenerator
- def codeForDDL: String
Generates code for the DDL statement.
Generates code for the DDL statement.
- Definition Classes
- AbstractSourceCodeGenerator
- def codePerTable: Map[String, String]
Generates a map that associates the table name with its generated code (not wrapped in a package yet).
Generates a map that associates the table name with its generated code (not wrapped in a package yet).
- Definition Classes
- AbstractSourceCodeGenerator
- def entityName: (String) => String
Maps database table name to entity case class name
Maps database table name to entity case class name
- Definition Classes
- AbstractGenerator
- def packageCode(profile: String, pkg: String, container: String, parentType: Option[String]): String
Generates code providing the data model as trait and object in a Scala package
Generates code providing the data model as trait and object in a Scala package
- profile
Slick profile that is imported in the generated package (e.g. slick.jdbc.H2Profile)
- pkg
Scala package the generated code is placed in
- container
The name of a trait and an object the generated code will be placed in within the specified package.
- Definition Classes
- OutputHelpers
- def packageContainerCode(profile: String, pkg: String, container: String = "Tables"): String
Generates code providing the stand-alone slick data model for immediate use.
Generates code providing the stand-alone slick data model for immediate use.
- profile
Slick profile that is imported in the generated package (e.g. scala.slick.driver.H2Driver)
- pkg
Scala package the generated code is placed in
- container
The name of a trait and an object the generated code will be placed in within the specified package.
- Definition Classes
- OutputHelpers
- def packageTableCode(tableName: String, tableCode: String, pkg: String, container: String): String
Generates code for the given table.
Generates code for the given table. The tableName and tableCode parameters should come from the #codePerTable map.
- tableName
: the name of the table
- tableCode
: the generated code for the table.
- pkg
Scala package the generated code is placed in
- container
The name of the container
- Definition Classes
- OutputHelpers
- def tableName: (String) => String
Maps database table name to Table class and value name
Maps database table name to Table class and value name
- Definition Classes
- AbstractGenerator
- def writeStringToFile(content: String, folder: String, pkg: String, fileName: String): Unit
Writes given content to a file.
Writes given content to a file. Ensures the file ends with a newline character.
- Definition Classes
- OutputHelpers
- def writeToFile(profile: String, folder: String, pkg: String, container: String = "Tables", fileName: String = "Tables.scala"): Unit
Generates code and writes it to a file.
Generates code and writes it to a file. Creates a folder structure for the given package inside the given srcFolder and places the new file inside or overrides the existing one.
- profile
Slick profile that is imported in the generated package (e.g. slick.jdbc.H2Profile)
- folder
target folder, in which the package structure folders are placed
- pkg
Scala package the generated code is placed in (a subfolder structure will be created within srcFolder)
- container
The name of a trait and an object the generated code will be placed in within the specified package.
- fileName
Name of the output file, to which the code will be written
- Definition Classes
- OutputHelpers
- def writeToMultipleFiles(profile: String, folder: String, pkg: String, container: String = "Tables"): Unit
Generates code and writes it to multiple files.
Generates code and writes it to multiple files. Creates a folder structure for the given package inside the given srcFolder and places the new files inside or overrides the existing one.
- profile
Slick profile that is imported in the generated package (e.g. scala.slick.driver.H2Driver)
- folder
target folder, in which the output files are placed
- pkg
Scala package the generated code is placed in (a subfolder structure will be created within srcFolder)
- container
The name of a trait and an object the generated code will be placed in within the specified package.
- Definition Classes
- OutputHelpers
- abstract class AbstractSourceCodeTableDef extends AbstractTableDef
- Definition Classes
- AbstractSourceCodeGenerator
- implicit class StringExtensions extends AnyRef
Slick code generator string extension methods.
Slick code generator string extension methods. (Warning: Not unicode-safe, uses String#apply)
- Definition Classes
- GeneratorHelpers
- class SourceCodeTableDef extends AbstractSourceCodeTableDef
- type Table = SourceCodeTableDef
Table generator virtual class
Table generator virtual class
- Definition Classes
- SourceCodeGenerator → AbstractGenerator
- val ddlEnabled: Boolean
Enables DDL Generation.
Enables DDL Generation.
- Definition Classes
- AbstractGenerator
- def docWithCode(doc: String, code: String): String
Assemble doc comment with scala code
Assemble doc comment with scala code
- Definition Classes
- StringGeneratorHelpers → GeneratorHelpers
- def foreignKeysPerTable: Map[String, List[String]]
- Definition Classes
- AbstractSourceCodeGenerator
- def indent(code: String): String
- Definition Classes
- GeneratorHelpers
- final def optionType(t: String): String
Wrap the given type into an Option type
Wrap the given type into an Option type
- Definition Classes
- StringGeneratorHelpers → GeneratorHelpers
- def parentType: Option[String]
The parent type of the generated main trait.
The parent type of the generated main trait. This can be overridden in subclasses.
- Definition Classes
- OutputHelpers
- def parseType(tpe: String): String
Generates code for a qualified Scala type
Generates code for a qualified Scala type
- Definition Classes
- StringGeneratorHelpers → GeneratorHelpers
- def rootTraitCode(profile: String, pkg: String, container: String = "Tables"): String
- Definition Classes
- OutputHelpers
- val scalaKeywords: Seq[String]
Words that are reserved keywords in Scala
Words that are reserved keywords in Scala
- Definition Classes
- GeneratorHelpers
- def shouldQuoteIdentifier(s: String): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- StringGeneratorHelpers
- val slickTableTermMembersNoArgs: Seq[String]
Existing term member names in Table[_] that do not take parameters
Existing term member names in Table[_] that do not take parameters
- Definition Classes
- GeneratorHelpers
- final lazy val tables: Seq[Table]
Table code generators.
Table code generators.
- Definition Classes
- AbstractGenerator
- final lazy val tablesByName: Map[QualifiedName, Table]
Table code generators indexed by db table name.
Table code generators indexed by db table name.
- Definition Classes
- AbstractGenerator
- def termName(name: String): String
Marks a String as a TermName (e.g.
Marks a String as a TermName (e.g. for escaping scala keywords)
- Definition Classes
- StringGeneratorHelpers → GeneratorHelpers
- def typeName(name: String): String
Marks a String as a TypeName (e.g.
Marks a String as a TypeName (e.g. for escaping scala keywords)
- Definition Classes
- StringGeneratorHelpers → GeneratorHelpers