
  • package root

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    Scala Language-Integrated Connection Kit

    This is the API documentation for the Slick database library. It should be used as an additional resource to the user manual.

    Further documentation for Slick can be found on the documentation pages.

    To the slick package list...

    Definition Classes
  • package slick
    Definition Classes
  • package compiler

    Slick AST to database query compiler

    Slick AST to database query compiler

    Definition Classes
  • class MergeToComprehensions extends Phase

    This phase merges nested nodes of types Bind, Filter, GroupBy, SortBy, Take, Drop, CollectionCast and Distinct to Comprehension nodes.

    This phase merges nested nodes of types Bind, Filter, GroupBy, SortBy, Take, Drop, CollectionCast and Distinct to Comprehension nodes. Nodes can be merged if they occur in the following order:

    [Source] -> Filter (where) -> GroupBy -> SortBy / (Distinct | Filter (having)) -> Take / Drop

    Aliasing Binds and CollectionCasts are allowed everywhere in the chain. Any out of order operation starts a new chain with a subquery as the source.

    Definition Classes
  • FwdPathOnTypeSymbol
  • State

object FwdPathOnTypeSymbol

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. FwdPathOnTypeSymbol
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. def unapply(n: Node): Option[(TypeSymbol, List[TermSymbol])]