
abstract case class AbstractColumnDef(model: model.Column) extends AbstractTermDef with Product with Serializable

Column related generator definition


corresponding Slick meta model component

Linear Supertypes
Serializable, Product, Equals, AbstractTermDef, AbstractDef, AnyRef, Any
Type Hierarchy
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. AbstractColumnDef
  2. Serializable
  3. Product
  4. Equals
  5. AbstractTermDef
  6. AbstractDef
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Basic customization overrides

  1. abstract def code: Code

    Scala code

    Scala code

    Definition Classes
  2. def asOption: Boolean

    Indicates whether the exposed type of this column should be wrapped in an Option.

    Indicates whether the exposed type of this column should be wrapped in an Option. Useful for autoInc and automatically created columns. Set to autoInc to expose autoInc columns as Option.

  3. def doc: String

    Scala doc comment

    Scala doc comment

    Definition Classes
  4. def enabled: Boolean

    Indicates whether this will be included in the generated code

    Indicates whether this will be included in the generated code

    Definition Classes
  5. def rawName: String

    Name as desired in Scala Code.

    Name as desired in Scala Code. (Allowed to collide with Scala keywords. Will be automatically escaped.)

    Definition Classes
  6. def rawType: Code

    Underlying Scala type of this column.

    Underlying Scala type of this column. Override this to just affect the data type but preserve potential Option-wrapping.


  1. abstract def columnOptionCode: (ColumnOption[_]) => Option[Code]

    Generates code for a columnOption

  2. abstract def defaultCode: (Any) => Code

    Returns a function, that maps a value to its literal representation as code

  3. final def actualType: Code

    Possibly Option-wrapped Scala type of this column.

    Possibly Option-wrapped Scala type of this column. @see rawType and @see exposedType

  4. final def autoInc: Boolean

    Indicates whether this is an auto increment column

  5. def dbType: Boolean

    Indicates if a (non-portable) DBType ColumnOption should be generated

  6. def default: Option[Code]

    Generates a literal representation of the default value or None in case of an Option-typed autoInc column

  7. def disambiguateTerm(name: String, postfix: String = "X"): String

    Adds one or more X to the end of the given string to avoid collisions with column names.

    Adds one or more X to the end of the given string to avoid collisions with column names.

    Definition Classes
  8. def docWithCode: Code

    Scala doc comment with code

    Scala doc comment with code

    Definition Classes
  9. final def exposedType: Code

    Option of actualType if fakeNullable else actualType.

  10. final def getEnabled: Option[AbstractDef]

    Returns Some(this) if enabled else None

    Returns Some(this) if enabled else None

    Definition Classes
  11. val model: model.Column
  12. final def name: TermName

    Name (escaped if colliding with Scala keyword).

    Name (escaped if colliding with Scala keyword).

    Definition Classes
  13. def options: Iterable[Code]

    Generates code for the ColumnOptions (DBType, AutoInc, etc.)

  14. def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
    Definition Classes