Slick 3.0.1

August 06 2015
by Stefan Zeiger

We are happy to announce the release of Slick 3.0.1. The artifacts are available on Maven Central, as usual. You can find the source code here: Please see for documentation. This is a binary-compatible bugfix release.

Fixes and features:
  • Update to HikariCP 2.3.7 (same version as used by play-slick)

  • Allow custom ClassLoaders for loading driver classes

There is no new version of the Slick Extensions package with closed-source drivers for Oracle, DB/2 and SQL Server for this release. Please continue using version 3.0.0.

Here is a complete list of changes since Slick 3.0.0:
  • fa24c82 Bump version to 3.0.1
  • ac45937 Switch branch for build status badge
  • 63407aa Add the correct scala-sbt repo for resolving sbt-testng.plugin
  • d71e1b5 Set hikariCP validationTimeout from config or 1000ms
  • 3da8321 Pin HikariCP at version 2.3.7 to match play-slick
  • 534c259 Fix view source for scaladoc and edit this file on github for docs
  • 1abf753 Allow classloader to be specified for classloading

Past News Items

Sep 18 2022
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Aug 16 2022
If you use Slick, please try 3.4.0-RC3 by changing the version in your build. After a week, if no regressions have been reported we will G-d willing release 3.4.0 (final)....
Apr 23 2021
Slick is community-maintained. Planning for future releases, including for Scala 3, is in progress. Please help if you can! For details, visit [this ticket](
Sep 09 2020
We have just released Slick 3.3.3 You can find the source code here: . Builds for Scala 2.11, 2.12 and 2.13 are available from Maven Central, as usual. ## Highlights...
Jan 30 2019
We have just released Slick 3.3.0 You can find the source code here: . Builds for Scala 2.11 and 2.12 are available from Maven Central, as usual. ## These are...
Mar 23 2018
We have just released Slick 3.2.3. You can find the source code here: . Builds for Scala 2.11 and 2.12 are available from Maven Central, as usual. From 3.2.0 on,...
Mar 06 2018
We have just released Slick 3.2.2. You can find the source code here: . Builds for Scala 2.11 and 2.12 are available from Maven Central, as usual. From 3.2.0 on,...
Jul 20 2017
We have just released Slick 3.2.1. You can find the source code here: . Builds for Scala 2.11 and 2.12 are available from Maven Central, as usual. From 3.2.0 on,...