Slick 3.2.2
We have just released Slick 3.2.2. You can find the source code here: Builds for Scala 2.11 and 2.12 are available from Maven Central, as usual. From 3.2.0 on, Slick requires Java 8. Older JVMs are no longer supported.
This is the first version of Slick released from automated releases.
This release contains mostly fixes and is intended to be binary compatible with 3.2.1.
These are the major changes in Slick 3.2.2:
Prevent stack overflow when running DBIO actions by trampolining1625f85
Propagating max connections when using DataSourceJdbcDataSourcea7ffe07
Skip missing sourceDataType in ResultSet when reading an MColumn5e4f5e7
Fixed SQL Server schema name bug that prevented from getting tablesc79d50c
Change default maxConnections to be the same as numThreads56a99ed
Fix deadlocks in connection and thread pooling by preventing bad configurations or warning about them77c9748
Fix ManagedArrayBlockingQueue size not to show always 0 when it is pausedc5fb9f4
Keep Bind around GroupBy and don’t merge aggregates into GroupBy4fd9289
Set proper priority for AndThen and Seq continuations64653b8
Throws an exception ifinsertOrUpdate()
is called on a table without primary keys4a9561b
Adds multi-word type support in SQLite codegen.436fb55
Catch exceptions in CleanUpAction50bef88
Add null password support to DatabaseUrlDataSource936e096
Ignore ClientSideOp in projection mappingf732b6c
Add capability to check if numbers are unsigned when using CodeGen9803a38
Place each node of a union in parentheses for PostgreSQLd099bd3
Update slf4j-api to version 1.7.257648411
Do not generate constructor methods for more than 254 columns4fb8faf
Fix issue with union and limit
You can find details about upgrading from Slick 3.1 in the Upgrade Guide.
This release contains contributions by the following committers since 3.2.1(in alphabetical order):
akshanshjain95, Alexander Samsig, Denys Zadorozhnyi, Derek Williams, Heikki Vesalainen, Kuppuswamy Anandhan, Max Dube, Nafer Sanabria, Renato Cavalcanti, Richard Dallaway, Ryan Peters, Sean Sullivan, Stefan Zeiger, Vic, Zack Grannan
Here is a complete list of commits since 3.2.1
Release 3.2.2ea6bfd6
Downgrade to config 1.2.1 in this branch only527587b
update to ornate 0.5, don’t crossbuild site002e4f1
Set Sonatypecredentials in Global
added hvesalai to developers in Build.scala26a04e6
Add deploy key for slic/doc to secrets.tar.enc9275f0d
adds extended documentation about usaged of named JNDI datasources70dfd2f
trampoline chained actions1625f85
propagating max connections when using DataSourceJdbcDataSourcea7ffe07
Skip sourceDataType in ResultSet when reading an MColumn5e4f5e7
fixed SQL Server schema name bug that prevented from getting tables1b2e4f0
tests need the same amount of connections, which means more threads in the new default modelc79d50c
Default maxConnections == numThreads56a99ed
Fix #1614, Fix #1807: require and warn about bad configurations that can result in deadlocks3d4e7c1
Don’t run so many cycles of SlickInUseCountTest77c9748
Made ManagedArrayBlockingQueue size not show 0 when it is paused. Cleaned up code.c5fb9f4
Keep Bind around GroupBy and don’t merge aggregates into GroupBy4fd9289
AndThen and Seq continuations64653b8
Fixes #1699. Throws an exception ifinsertOrUpdate()
is called on a table without primary keys;4a9561b
Fixes #1771. Adds multi-word type support in SQLite codegen.4c19e16
fixed SQL Server schema name bug that prevented from getting tables436fb55
Fix #158550bef88
Add null password support to DatabaseUrlDataSourcef715411
Scala 2.12.4936e096
Ignore ClientSideOp in projection mapping1104bf8
Add failing test580c7bc
Add imports to more manual pagesb338917
add documentation for O.Uniquef732b6c
issue #17699803a38
Place each node of a union in parentheses for PostgreSQL too62e427c
Add tests of parentheses-for-union-queries for PostgreSQL toodc7a516
upgrade to Postgres JDBC driver 42.1.408c20d3
Scala 2.12.3c4fb737
Updated JdbcActionComponent.scalad099bd3
update typesafe config & slf4j-api to lastest version7648411
Do not generate constructor methods for more than 254 columnsf3ff5ac
bump derby version for test4fb8faf
fix #1424 - issue with union and limit