Slick 3.1.0-M2
We are happy to announce the release of Slick 3.1.0-M2. It should show up on Maven Central within the next few hours. You can find the source code here: Builds are available for Scala 2.10 and 2.11.
These are the major new features since 3.0:
- New query compiler back-end. The main goal is to avoid subqueries wherever possible. The current version is feature-complete.
- Improved support for monadic joins in the query compiler. In particular, whenever a monadic join cannot be translated into an applicative join (as required for SQL), the query compiler will fail with a useful error message instead of producing invalid code.
- Improved configuration of database connections via Typesafe Config: You can now configure arbitrary DataSource classes with Java Bean semantics when running without a connection pool (similar to what was already supported by HikariCP).
- Configurable class loading when resolving Slick drivers: In containers which separate
parts of an application into different ClassLoaders (e.g. Play, OSGi), the previous
approach of using
did not work in all cases. You can now provide a custom ClassLoader, and Slick will fall back to the context ClassLoader in other cases. - Support for HikariCP is now in a separate module which makes it easier to depend on the correct, binary compatible version of HikariCP.
- Database connections can be configured through a DATABASE_URL syntax as used on PaaS platforms like Heroku.
Note that this is not a production-ready or beta release. Parts of the user manual may be out of date. Slick Extensions is not available for this release and none of the standard Activator templates have been updated yet.
Please provide feedback on the stability and API of this milestone release if you encounter any problems.
Here is a complete list of changes since 3.0.0
Release 3.1.0-M216be008
Fix docs and simplify (no binary compatibility constraints for 3.1)c197fdb
Move HikariCPJdbcDataSource into a separate moduleb651a62
Clean up the build file764b405
Avoid subqueries around zipWithIndex operations7514666
Database.forConfig uses provided config paramsnumThreads
Add tests for theremoveTakeDrop
Fixed a mistake in the docs markupe957544
Fix the implicit conversions for Compiled queries.ea15636
Workaround SI-7139 caused by eponymous type alias and objectc762b55
Improve code generationaaf2a22
Early hoisting of client-side operations:ffee22c
Improve subquery fusion for Union operationsfbd2289
Add the correct scala-sbt repo for resolving sbt-testng.plugin31672a2
Remove deprecated APIs2ae5320
Added documentation for DatabaseUrlDataSource7fcd722
Add a test for DatabaseUrlDataSourcef637d52
Revised DatabaseUrlDataSource to have a no-arg cstr.9cfd03e
Added a DatabaseUrlDataSource for use with DATABASE_URL79d2e67
Support Typesafe Config-based configuration of DataSource beans4565f09
Clean up the ClassLoader support from #1152:95dad0a
Set hikariCP validationTimeout from config or 1000ms9b58a50
Pin HikariCP at version 2.3.7 to match play-slick5ef94f8
Remove AccessDrivercce3b95
Remove the Direct Embedding (deprecated in 3.0)4b7262e
Add test for resolving reference.conf in OSGi contexta9dd9a8
Fix OSGi tests (did not run due to duplicate slf4j on classpath)ff264c9
Bump version numbersb9861f1
Remove obsolete code36d5552
Improve Take, Drop and zip join translationf170783
Fix type bugs and enforce correct types in the query compiler:85df538
Codegen: Suppress output of schema.create if ddlEnabled is false4fd654f
Add Gitter badgee26a7d0
Remove TypedNode:1c2d5db
AST simplifications3470fa0
Compiler improvements:8baa079
New Query Compiler Back-End2b14139
Early transformation of monadic joins into applicative joins.f53f06e
Move createResultSetMapping down after forceOuterBinds1d55c69
Fix view source for scaladoc and edit this file on github for docs325f200
Improve tree loggingae7e4d8
Improve logging:1abf753
Allow classloader to be specified for classloading0cab15e
Add docs about DBIO composition.