class JdbcTypes extends HsqldbProfile.JdbcTypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- JdbcTypes
- JdbcTypes
- AnyRef
- Any
- by any2stringadd
- by StringFormat
- by Ensuring
- by ArrowAssoc
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new JdbcTypes()
Type Members
- trait HsqldbTimeJdbcTypeWithOffset extends AnyRef
HSQLDB uses a non-standard string representation of timestamps.
HSQLDB uses a non-standard string representation of timestamps. It doesn't pad the hour and offset-hour with zeros. Although the hour can be handled by DateTimeFormatterBuilder, the offset hour can't. See it's method appendOffset() So we handle this in two steps: first pad (trim) zeros in the offset, and then use a custom DateTimeFormatterBuilder.
- class InstantJdbcType extends JdbcTypes.InstantJdbcType with HsqldbTimeJdbcTypeWithOffset
- class OffsetDateTimeJdbcType extends JdbcTypes.OffsetDateTimeJdbcType with HsqldbTimeJdbcTypeWithOffset
- class OffsetTimeJdbcType extends JdbcTypes.OffsetTimeJdbcType with HsqldbTimeJdbcTypeWithOffset
- class BigDecimalJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[BigDecimal] with NumericTypedType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class BlobJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Blob]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class BooleanJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Boolean]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class ByteArrayJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Array[Byte]]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class ByteJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Byte] with NumericTypedType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class CharJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Char]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class ClobJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Clob]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class DateJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Date]
Use ZonedDateTimeJdbcType or OffsetDateTimeJdbcType or LocalTimeJdbcType or OffsetTime or LocalDateTime or LocalDate or Instant instead.
Use ZonedDateTimeJdbcType or OffsetDateTimeJdbcType or LocalTimeJdbcType or OffsetTime or LocalDateTime or LocalDate or Instant instead.
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class DoubleJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Double] with NumericTypedType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class FloatJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Float] with NumericTypedType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class IntJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Int] with NumericTypedType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class LocalDateJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[LocalDate]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class LocalDateTimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[LocalDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class LocalTimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[LocalTime]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class LongJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Long] with NumericTypedType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class NullJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Null]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class ShortJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Short] with NumericTypedType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class StringJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[String]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class TimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Time]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class TimestampJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Timestamp]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class UUIDJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[UUID]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- class ZonedDateTimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[ZonedDateTime]
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
Value Members
- val bigDecimalJdbcType: BigDecimalJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val blobJdbcType: BlobJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val booleanJdbcType: BooleanJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val byteArrayJdbcType: ByteArrayJdbcType
- val byteJdbcType: ByteJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val charJdbcType: CharJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val clobJdbcType: ClobJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val dateJdbcType: DateJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val doubleJdbcType: DoubleJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val floatJdbcType: FloatJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val instantType: InstantJdbcType
- val intJdbcType: IntJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val localDateTimeType: LocalDateTimeJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val localDateType: LocalDateJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val localTimeType: LocalTimeJdbcType
- val longJdbcType: LongJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val nullJdbcType: NullJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val offsetDateTimeType: OffsetDateTimeJdbcType
- val offsetTimeType: OffsetTimeJdbcType
- val shortJdbcType: ShortJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val stringJdbcType: StringJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val timeJdbcType: TimeJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val timestampJdbcType: TimestampJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
- val uuidJdbcType: UUIDJdbcType
- val zonedDateType: ZonedDateTimeJdbcType
- Definition Classes
- JdbcTypes
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Scala Language-Integrated Connection Kit
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