
class JdbcTypes extends AnyRef

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. JdbcTypes
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new JdbcTypes()

Type Members

  1. class BigDecimalJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[BigDecimal] with NumericTypedType
  2. class BlobJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Blob]
  3. class BooleanJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Boolean]
  4. class ByteArrayJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Array[Byte]]
  5. class ByteJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Byte] with NumericTypedType
  6. class CharJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Char]
  7. class ClobJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Clob]
  8. class DateJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Date]

    Use ZonedDateTimeJdbcType or OffsetDateTimeJdbcType or LocalTimeJdbcType or OffsetTime or LocalDateTime or LocalDate or Instant instead.

  9. class DoubleJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Double] with NumericTypedType
  10. class FloatJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Float] with NumericTypedType
  11. class InstantJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Instant]
  12. class IntJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Int] with NumericTypedType
  13. class LocalDateJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[LocalDate]
  14. class LocalDateTimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[LocalDateTime]
  15. class LocalTimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[LocalTime]
  16. class LongJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Long] with NumericTypedType
  17. class NullJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Null]
  18. class OffsetDateTimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[OffsetDateTime]
  19. class OffsetTimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[OffsetTime]
  20. class ShortJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Short] with NumericTypedType
  21. class StringJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[String]
  22. class TimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Time]
  23. class TimestampJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[Timestamp]
  24. class UUIDJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[UUID]
  25. class ZonedDateTimeJdbcType extends JdbcProfile.DriverJdbcType[ZonedDateTime]

Value Members

  1. val bigDecimalJdbcType: BigDecimalJdbcType
  2. val blobJdbcType: BlobJdbcType
  3. val booleanJdbcType: BooleanJdbcType
  4. val byteArrayJdbcType: ByteArrayJdbcType
  5. val byteJdbcType: ByteJdbcType
  6. val charJdbcType: CharJdbcType
  7. val clobJdbcType: ClobJdbcType
  8. val dateJdbcType: DateJdbcType
  9. val doubleJdbcType: DoubleJdbcType
  10. val floatJdbcType: FloatJdbcType
  11. val instantType: InstantJdbcType
  12. val intJdbcType: IntJdbcType
  13. val localDateTimeType: LocalDateTimeJdbcType
  14. val localDateType: LocalDateJdbcType
  15. val localTimeType: LocalTimeJdbcType
  16. val longJdbcType: LongJdbcType
  17. val nullJdbcType: NullJdbcType
  18. val offsetDateTimeType: OffsetDateTimeJdbcType
  19. val offsetTimeType: OffsetTimeJdbcType
  20. val shortJdbcType: ShortJdbcType
  21. val stringJdbcType: StringJdbcType
  22. val timeJdbcType: TimeJdbcType
  23. val timestampJdbcType: TimestampJdbcType
  24. val uuidJdbcType: UUIDJdbcType
  25. val zonedDateType: ZonedDateTimeJdbcType