object Phase
The Phase
companion objects contains ready-to-use Phase
objects for
the standard phases of the query compiler
- Source
- QueryCompiler.scala
Linear Supertypes
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- Phase
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Value Members
- val assignUniqueSymbols: AssignUniqueSymbols
- val createAggregates: CreateAggregates
- val createResultSetMapping: CreateResultSetMapping
- val expandRecords: ExpandRecords
- val expandSums: ExpandSums
- val expandTables: ExpandTables
- val fixRowNumberOrdering: FixRowNumberOrdering
- val flattenProjections: FlattenProjections
- val forceOuterBinds: ForceOuterBinds
- val hoistClientOps: HoistClientOps
- val inferTypes: InferTypes
- val mergeToComprehensions: MergeToComprehensions
- val optimizeScalar: OptimizeScalar
- val pruneProjections: PruneProjections
- val relabelUnions: RelabelUnions
- val removeFieldNames: RemoveFieldNames
- val removeMappedTypes: RemoveMappedTypes
- val removeTakeDrop: RemoveTakeDrop
- val reorderOperations: ReorderOperations
- val resolveZipJoins: ResolveZipJoins
- val resolveZipJoinsRownumStyle: ResolveZipJoins
- val rewriteBooleans: RewriteBooleans
- val rewriteDistinct: RewriteDistinct
- val rewriteJoins: RewriteJoins
- val specializeParameters: SpecializeParameters
- val unrollTailBinds: UnrollTailBinds
- val verifySymbols: VerifySymbols
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Scala Language-Integrated Connection Kit
This is the API documentation for the Slick database library. It should be used as an additional resource to the user manual.
Further documentation for Slick can be found on the documentation pages.
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