object Phase

The Phase companion objects contains ready-to-use Phase objects for the standard phases of the query compiler

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Phase
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. val assignUniqueSymbols: AssignUniqueSymbols
  2. val createAggregates: CreateAggregates
  3. val createResultSetMapping: CreateResultSetMapping
  4. val expandRecords: ExpandRecords
  5. val expandSums: ExpandSums
  6. val expandTables: ExpandTables
  7. val fixRowNumberOrdering: FixRowNumberOrdering
  8. val flattenProjections: FlattenProjections
  9. val forceOuterBinds: ForceOuterBinds
  10. val hoistClientOps: HoistClientOps
  11. val inferTypes: InferTypes
  12. val mergeToComprehensions: MergeToComprehensions
  13. val optimizeScalar: OptimizeScalar
  14. val pruneProjections: PruneProjections
  15. val relabelUnions: RelabelUnions
  16. val removeFieldNames: RemoveFieldNames
  17. val removeMappedTypes: RemoveMappedTypes
  18. val removeTakeDrop: RemoveTakeDrop
  19. val reorderOperations: ReorderOperations
  20. val resolveZipJoins: ResolveZipJoins
  21. val resolveZipJoinsRownumStyle: ResolveZipJoins
  22. val rewriteBooleans: RewriteBooleans
  23. val rewriteDistinct: RewriteDistinct
  24. val rewriteJoins: RewriteJoins
  25. val specializeParameters: SpecializeParameters
  26. val unrollTailBinds: UnrollTailBinds
  27. val verifySymbols: VerifySymbols