


class ResolveZipJoins extends Phase

Rewrite zip joins into a form suitable for SQL using inner joins and RowNumber columns.

We rely on having a Bind around every Join and both of its generators, which should have been generated by Phase.forceOuterBinds. The inner Binds need to select Pure(StructNode(...)) which should be the outcome of Phase.flattenProjections.

Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
Type Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ResolveZipJoins
  2. Phase
  3. Logging
  4. Function1
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new ResolveZipJoins(rownumStyle: Boolean = false)


    Whether to use Subquery boundaries suitable for Oracle-style ROWNUM semantics instead of standard ROW_NUMBER().

Type Members

  1. type State = Boolean

    The immutable state of the phase that can also be accessed by other phases.

    The immutable state of the phase that can also be accessed by other phases.

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. def andThen[A](g: (CompilerState) => A): (CompilerState) => A
    Definition Classes
  2. def apply(state: CompilerState): CompilerState

    Run the phase

    Run the phase

    Definition Classes
    ResolveZipJoinsPhase → Function1
  3. def compose[A](g: (A) => CompilerState): (A) => CompilerState
    Definition Classes
  4. val condAbove: Condition
  5. val condBelow: Condition
  6. val name: String

    The unique name of the phase

    The unique name of the phase

    Definition Classes
  7. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Function1 → AnyRef → Any
  8. def transformZip(s1: TermSymbol, jlsym: TermSymbol, jrsym: TermSymbol, l: Bind, ldefs: ConstArray[(TermSymbol, Node)], r: Bind, rdefs: ConstArray[(TermSymbol, Node)], sel: Node): Node

    Transform a zip operation of the form Bind(s1, Join(jlsym, jrsym, l @ Bind(_, _, Pure(StructNode(ldefs), _)), r @ Bind(_, _, Pure(StructNode(rdefs), _)), JoinType.Zip, LiteralNode(true)), sel) into an equivalent mapping operation using RowNum by first transforming both sides of the join into zipWithIndex and then using transformZipWithIndex on those.

  9. def transformZipWithIndex(s1: TermSymbol, ls: TermSymbol, from: Node, defs: ConstArray[(TermSymbol, Node)], offset: Long, p: Node): Node

    Transform a zipWithIndex operation of the form Bind(s1, Join(_, _, Bind(ls, from, Pure(StructNode(defs), _)), RangeFrom(offset), JoinType.Zip, LiteralNode(true)), p) into an equivalent mapping operation using RowNum.

    Transform a zipWithIndex operation of the form Bind(s1, Join(_, _, Bind(ls, from, Pure(StructNode(defs), _)), RangeFrom(offset), JoinType.Zip, LiteralNode(true)), p) into an equivalent mapping operation using RowNum. This method can be overridden in subclasses to implement non-standard translations.