
  • package root

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    Scala Language-Integrated Connection Kit

    This is the API documentation for the Slick database library. It should be used as an additional resource to the user manual.

    Further documentation for Slick can be found on the documentation pages.

    To the slick package list...

    Definition Classes
  • package slick
    Definition Classes
  • package ast

    Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for representing queries during compilation

    Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for representing queries during compilation

    Definition Classes
  • package basic

    Contains the abstract BasicProfile, BasicBackend and related code.

    Contains the abstract BasicProfile, BasicBackend and related code.

    Definition Classes
  • package collection

    HList implementation

    HList implementation

    Definition Classes
  • package compiler

    Slick AST to database query compiler

    Slick AST to database query compiler

    Definition Classes
  • package dbio

    The dbio package contains the Database I/O Action implementation.

    The dbio package contains the Database I/O Action implementation. See DBIOAction for details.

    Definition Classes
  • package jdbc

    Contains the abstract JdbcProfile and related code.

    Contains the abstract JdbcProfile and related code. This includes all JDBC-related code, facilities for Plain SQL queries, and JDBC-specific profile components.

    Definition Classes
  • package lifted

    Lifted embedding: Stable query api based on implicits and overloading lifting Scala code into Slick ASTs

    Lifted embedding: Stable query api based on implicits and overloading lifting Scala code into Slick ASTs

    Definition Classes
  • package memory
    Definition Classes
  • DistributedBackend
  • DistributedProfile
  • HeapBackend
  • MemoryCapabilities
  • MemoryProfile
  • MemoryQueryingProfile
  • ProfileComputation
  • QueryInterpreter
  • SimpleMemoryAction
  • package model

    Slick schema model

    Slick schema model

    Definition Classes
  • package relational

    Contains the abstract RelationalProfile and related code.

    Contains the abstract RelationalProfile and related code.

    Definition Classes
  • package sql

    Contains the abstract SqlProfile and related code.

    Contains the abstract SqlProfile and related code.

    Definition Classes
  • package util

    Helper code for various things.

    Helper code for various things. Tuples, Logging, SQL, ...

    Definition Classes



package memory

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait DistributedBackend extends RelationalBackend with Logging

    The backend for DistributedProfile.

  2. class DistributedProfile extends MemoryQueryingProfile

    A profile for distributed queries.

  3. trait HeapBackend extends RelationalBackend with Logging

    A simple database engine that stores data in heap data structures.

  4. trait MemoryProfile extends RelationalProfile with MemoryQueryingProfile

    A profile for interpreted queries on top of the in-memory database.

  5. trait MemoryQueryingProfile extends BasicProfile

    The querying (read-only) part that can be shared between MemoryProfile and DistributedProfile.

  6. final case class ProfileComputation(compiled: Node, profile: RelationalProfile, buildType: Type) extends NullaryNode with SimplyTypedNode with Product with Serializable

    Represents a computation that needs to be performed by another profile.

    Represents a computation that needs to be performed by another profile. Despite having a child it is a NullaryNode because the sub-computation should be opaque to the query compiler.

  7. class QueryInterpreter extends Logging

    A query interpreter for MemoryProfile and for client-side operations that need to be run as part of distributed queries against multiple backends.

    A query interpreter for MemoryProfile and for client-side operations that need to be run as part of distributed queries against multiple backends.

    It uses ScalaType, ProductValue/StructValue and plain Scala collections to represent data. Queries are expected to be in the shape after running all the standard query compiler phases (but not the extra relational phases) and assigning ScalaTypes everywhere.

  8. case class SimpleMemoryAction[+R](f: (HeapBackend.BasicActionContext) => R) extends SynchronousDatabaseAction[R, NoStream, memory.HeapBackend.BasicActionContext, memory.HeapBackend.BasicStreamingActionContext, All] with Product with Serializable

    A non-streaming Action that wraps a synchronous MemoryProfile API call.

Value Members

  1. object DistributedBackend extends DistributedBackend
  2. object HeapBackend extends HeapBackend
  3. object MemoryCapabilities

    Capabilities for MemoryProfile.

  4. object MemoryProfile extends MemoryProfile
  5. object QueryInterpreter